App Store Optimization tool for Apple Developers

Improve your app visibility and increase your revenue.
Astro provides you with the most up-to-date data directly from Apple Search Ads.

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Astro App Store Optimization Tool Hero Image

Only the most accurate data

Astro extracts popularity data directly from Apple Search Ads to provide you with accurate information. Additionally, thanks to our difficulty algorithm, Astro can tell you how challenging it is to rank in the top 10 positions for a specific keyword.

Astro popularity a difficulty image
Astro charts

Keep everything under control

Every day, Astro updates all your keywords and checks for any changes in rankings, showing you how many positions your app has moved. Additionally, with the help of graphs, you can easily track the historical performance of a keyword.

All the stores you need

Astro allows you to add keywords to over 60 stores where Apple Search Ads is available!

Astro all available stores
Astro DeepL API integration

Translating is not a problem

With integration with DeepL API, all you need to do is hover over a keyword to see its English translation appear instantly.

It suggests new keywords for you

When you add keywords, Astro automatically searches for other similar keywords to the ones you have added

Astro suggestions feature

Get more visibility for your App

Almost double my impressions after changing my keywords with the latest update.

Sebastian Röhl

Sebastian Röhl



14 days money back guarantee
1 Mac
$99 /year
  • Track unlimited keywords
  • Popularity and difficulty data
  • Keywords Suggestions
  • Charts and complete Rankings
  • Keywords translations
  • Export/Import Keywords

Cancel anytime.


Prices in USD. Taxes may apply.


If you have any other questions, write us an email to

Why is Astro different?

The first goal of Astro is to make App Store Optimization accessible to everyone, that's why we focused on essential features to create an App Store Optimization tool, leaving out all the superfluous. The result is a pleasant software to use that will make you want to search for new keywords for your app.

What do I need to use Astro?

To use Astro, you need a valid Apple Developer Account and to have published at least one app on the App Store.

Can I request a refund?

Certainly. When you activate an Astro subscription, you have 14 days to request a refund. To do so, simply send us an email at

How do I manage my subscription?

To manage your subscription, you need to create an account on Lemon Squezy, our payment provider, using the same email you used at the time of purchase. Once you have created the account, you can manage your subscription here.